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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Populating components Diagrid Box [Grasshopper]

Many of us have probably used the popular method of proliferating a component over surface using the box surface and box morphing components which actually is very useful , however it has the limitation that you can only arrange your components in a quadrangular grid and there maybe sometimes we need a different arrange or sequence for populating our surfaces, last weekend I was talking about this with Marysol Kraviez a student of the DIA Master at Dessau of and she send me a discussion from the Grasshopper page of people addressing this problem, I found very good and interesting approaches and I decided to make a  small contribution by making a definition based on one that I saw over there for creating box surfaces in a diagrid arrange using a VB script I have used for other works, hope you find it useful.

As always you can find more about this project and the definition for download at my  SITE

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rhino Grasshopper Workshop [MEXICO]

Workshop Rhino / Grasshopper

Curso destinado principalmente a Arquitectos y Diseñadores interesados en el aprendizaje  del diseño parametrico y la creación de algoritmos generativos para su implementacion en distintos processos de diseño ,s e explicaran los conceptos teoricos para abordar   proyectos de diseño a través de algoritmos mediante programación. Se utilizara el entorno de Grasshopper y Rhinoscript como herramientas para desarollar los ejercicios . No es necesario conocimiento previo de Rhinoceros ni de programación.
Fecha y Lugar
Mayo 28, 29 ,20  y Junio 4,5,6

Instalaciónes Plataforma de Arquitectura (151-SA)
Cupo maximo
15 plazas
Estudiantes : $ 2,500.ºº
Profesionistas: $ 3,000.ºº
*Los participantes deberan traer su propia laptop con todo el software y actualizaciones (originales o verisones de demostración oficiales) previamente instaladas.(se fijara una fecha unos días antes para revisar que todos los equipos esten en orden y listos para trabajar)


Monday, May 10, 2010

Glassware design with Grasshopper

During the weekend I worked on a consultancy project for the industrial designer Lina Fuentes who designed some glassware pieces which had some vintage diamond patterns on it , modeling this patterns by traditional techniques can be a little bit difficult and tedious, also the control you may have over the elements cannot be so accurate , to solve this I was asked to generate a small algorithm in grasshopper that allows the creation of these patterns in a  more efficient way, for example to have control over the number of elements in each direction of the surface and the height of each component.

More infomation about this project and download the definition HERE

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